Viivi – strong expert in surface treatment

We visited Jyväskylä to chat with the staff of Top Speed, or more familiarly “Toppari,” about how they have been doing.

Viivi works at Top Speed in the powder coating department. She is a skilled professional in surface treatment and has been working with us for just over a year. She says she has enjoyed her time with us. According to Viivi, the work crew at Top Speed is very nice, and the work has been going well.

Viivi came to work with us straight from vocational school, where she studied for a basic qualification in surface treatment. According to Viivi, powder coating was hardly covered at all in school, so she had to learn many new things on the job. Viivi says that she learns best through hands-on experience and has indeed learned a lot while working. Viivi was interested in the field of surface treatment, and she says that right now it feels like the perfect fit for her. The best part, according to Viivi, is that she is constantly learning new things at work. We also discussed the joy that comes from truly understanding and internalizing the skills you use in your job. Strong professional skills are valuable and also create a connection to one’s work!

We asked Viivi what she thinks is the most important quality for someone working in surface treatment. Viivi emphasizes a certain level of patience, both in the learning process and in daily work. High-quality products are created through patient and meticulous work. Rushing does not help; instead, every piece is painted carefully and precisely. Viivi also mentions a willingness to learn new things and a genuine interest in the job. Powder coating is interesting work where you can really see the impact and result of your efforts.

In her free time, Viivi is actively involved in going to the gym, taking good care of her well-being. Powder coating is not very strenuous work, but on some days, she might have to paint complex pieces that require good coordination and a steady hand!

You can read more about our surface treatment services here