Mikko – solution-oriented mindset brings success

Mikko never imagined himself in sales, yet he’s accumulated nearly 20 years of experience in the field. Over time, project-based sales has grown close to his heart.

Mikko holds a Master of Science in Material and Production Engineering. His career brought him back to North Karelia after completing his studies in Tampere, thanks to his thesis work. In technology, he’s always been fascinated by how products can be manufactured efficiently. His technical background is also reflected in his work experience, which spans production development, managing technical projects, and of course, technical sales.

Before joining Ouneva Group, Mikko’s technical background was primarily in the metal industry. Even though the processes and technologies in industry are often similar, Mikko recalls entering the world of injection moulding with a long list of questions. He encourages seeking support within your own organization: “There’s always someone smarter than you, and all you need to do is ask the right questions,” he sums up.

Sales was never part of Mikko’s career plan after graduation. As someone with a passion for improvement, he envisioned himself in leadership and development roles within production. His initial perception of sales was a bit one-dimensional. However, unlike the traditional image of a briefcase-toting salesperson, he found sales to be fascinating once he got into it. For Mikko, sales is like managing projects, which he thoroughly enjoys. His solution-oriented and improvement-driven mindset has turned out to be a real asset in sales. He notes that especially in the plastics sector, customer relationships often involve long-term projects, where you grow alongside the customer. Managing projects is a world of its own, where not everything can be predicted, and full commitment is required.

We asked Mikko what qualities are essential in project-based sales. According to him, the most important asset for a project manager is communication. In one sentence, he explains it like this: “Good customer communication means the customer receives enough timely information.” Mikko also reminds us that challenges will always arise, but they’re meant to be solved! For him, the most rewarding part of his job is when a solution for the customer is found, and they can enjoy it together.

From the customer front, Mikko has noticed that expectations are becoming more demanding. Meeting evolving requirements, particularly in terms of quality and sustainability, will be a lifeline for companies in the future. According to Mikko, the diversity of customers makes Ouneva Group a very interesting place to work. When production involves a wide variety of products, careful instructions, clear communication, and aligning different solutions become critical. Mikko emphasizes that at Ouneva Group, a strong focus is placed on these aspects now and into the future.

Questions about contract manufacturing of plastic products? You can easily get in touch with us through our form. Mikko and our other specialists will be happy to assist you in finding the right solutions for you!